Monthly Archives: October 2015

Sweating pink and re-evaluating goals


Because positivity is one of my top 5 strengths, I’ll start by sharing some happy news … I’ve been named a Sweat Pink Ambassador! The SPA program is run by the good folks at Fit Approach, and it’s another example of using social media for good in encouraging women to stay active and fit. (Guys, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the tips too!)

It was good timing for this to happen as I’ve needed a push to refocus on fitness. That was apparent on my run this morning with Fort Bend Fit. I’ve been following the “Little Half” program, designed to get those of us who started in the summer with the marathon trainers, but have been sidetracked, to catch back up.

I showed up for Little Half 2 weeks ago for a great 2 mile run. I felt optimistic about running a half marathon in late January with 16 weeks to train. And then last weekend, first I didn’t feel well on Saturday, and my sweet furchild Ava got sick and that ditched the plans to make up my run Sunday.

So, today’s 4 miles wasn’t pretty. I did my usual 1/1 run/walk for 24 minutes, and noticed a slight ache in my calf…and switched to walking for fear the dreaded hamstring injury was rearing its head (remember my injury went into the insertion point in my calf). I walked for 12 minutes, then ran/walked again for another 8, then walked again until running 2 minutes at the “finish line.”

IT. WAS. TOUGH. And it made me realize a few things:

  1. Only working out once a week isn’t working for me.The last 2 months of my life have been a roller coaster. A big project at work, and beginning to prep for a move when my house build is completed have been taking up time. Plus still staying active as a presenter in my industry…and I haven’t had as much free time. I know that making time, even 10 minutes a day, for more activity will help me tackle all this more easily, and I just need to DO IT.
  2. Fitness is lost fast, and it affects me more than when I was younger.Even just 4 years makes a difference. Because 4 years ago, I was only running once a week as I was navigating a separation and divorce. But I was still able to train for that first half. But 4 years older, that’s just not hacking it for me. I can no longer scrape by with one super workout a week.
  3. I may need a new, short term fitness goal. This is the biggie … realizing that right now, with all the other factors in my life, a half marathon may not be the right goal for me. As much as I want to do a third half, so I can pursue a full before I turn 40 in less than 2 years, this may not be the time for that. Since I’ve gotten so far off track in my programming, it might make more sense to run a series of 5k to 10k distances in the coming months. That gives me smaller goals that work better with a crunched schedule, and keeps me running. I really hate to give up on my training program, but it doesn’t make sense to keep after something and take the joy out of it because I’m struggling.

I want to hear from you … when have you re-evaluated a goal, and how did this turn out for you?

To Return or Not?

(Repost from one of my favorites, Adult Ballerina Project)

Many adult ballet dancers take a break for various reasons like work, family and school obligations, health issues and financial constraints. Returning to ballet after any hiatus is often difficult. Even harder for me was deciding whether or not to return. Until 10 months ago and despite having Morton’s Neuroma, I attended 2-3 ballet classes […]

Source: To Return or Not?

Running Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin Bridge

(Repost from one of my favorites, Adult Ballerina Project)

I haven’t talked much about my running recently, but HQ and I recently got back into it at the end of the August and have been running an average of three times a week, slowly working our way back into it (and trust me, it’s felt like a struggle some of the time in Philadelphia’s […]

Source: Running Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin Bridge